Hello fellow badgers, adventurers, family, and friends,
I am leaving for Africa on September 8th, and I am going to attempt to keep you all informed (and more than likely entertained) through this blog. I'm not sure how often I'll have a charged computer or the internet, but when possible I will update this wonderful contraption. And yes mom, I will email you as often as possible to let you know I am alive.
At the current moment, I am experiencing what we call a "first world problem." I have absolutely no idea how I am going to fit all of my "necessary" gear and clothing for an entire semester into two basically indestructible (thank you North Face) duffel bags. Also, my room is beyond hazardous for human occupation. It's shocking I have any idea how to navigate it.
Besides my whining attitude towards packing, I'm actually beyond excited to get to Africa. This semester, I am doing a Wildlife Management Studies program in Kenya and Tanzania through The School for Field Studies (http://www.fieldstudies.org/eastafrica/semester#). I start the semester out in Tanzania, where I will be taking Techniques of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Ecology, Environmental Policy and Socioeconomic Values, and Introduction to Swahili Language and East African Tribal Communities. Sometime in the middle of the semester, my group will travel to Kenya where we get to participate in directed research.
Following the program, I will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. If I make it to the top (start crossing your fingers, saying your prayers, etc. for me now) I promise to take a most ridiculous photograph. If you're lucky, I'll film the whole climb for your entertainment. And I promise, it will be amusing.
For those who don't have my email you can reach me at: bgrongstad@gmail.com
And if you wish to send me some good ole fashion snail mail (thanks to a fellow SFSer for reminding me to give this address out), here's my address while I am in Tanzania:
Brigitta Rongstad
SFS Center for Wildlife Management Studies
P.O. Box 304
Karatu, Tanzania
East Africa
"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center" -Kurt Vonnegut
Glad you made it safely! Love you!